Welcome to our community!

We're the Greenhaus Community - a residential community in Newtown, Wellington. We used to live in a large house built in 1906, with lots of friends living near by. In February 2016, nearly all of us moved out of the big haus and we handed it over to our friends the INK Community. Now we live somewhere nearby in a multitude of different houses connected to one another.

We were first established some time around 1999 (check out our alumni list here). You can contact us at greenhausnz at gmail dot com.

July 20, 2014


Getting along in a group can be hard work. Recently I've come across some experts who suggest that emotional resilience is a key element of getting along together. Here's a definition of resilience I found on an Australian Education website:

Components of resilience
The following list suggests some qualities that may help to define a resilient individual.

  • Insightfulness - ability to see things as they are
  • Self-valuing - accepting that you have worth as an individual
  • Empathy - a significant mutual caring relationship with others; sometimes termed social connectedness, a sense of belonging to people, groups and institutions
  • Order - sense of organisation, routine, even ritual or ceremony, that provides structure, consistency and security
  • Humour - being able to see the lighter side of a situation
  • Problem solving skills - the ability to devise immediate solutions and long term strategies for problems
  • Social competence - a range of social skills and strategies, including assertion and a willingness to listen to others and respect for others
  • Optimism - a firmly held belief that the future can be better, a sense of hope and purpose, and the belief that you have, or can, take control of your life and future.

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