Welcome to our community!

We're the Greenhaus Community - a residential community in Newtown, Wellington. We used to live in a large house built in 1906, with lots of friends living near by. In February 2016, nearly all of us moved out of the big haus and we handed it over to our friends the INK Community. Now we live somewhere nearby in a multitude of different houses connected to one another.

We were first established some time around 1999 (check out our alumni list here). You can contact us at greenhausnz at gmail dot com.

October 15, 2008

Food savings to buy food

Since we've been dumpster diving more and more, we have started to save a lot of money on our food bills. This got us thinking, how crazy that just because we are lucky enough to live in the developed world we can get perfectly good food for free that is considered "waste" by our society, while some people are starving to death from lack of even basic food.

As a result we decided to give the money that we were saving to some people who need it in the majority world. At first we were just going to give it to folks we know through our church, but then we heard about the food crisis in Burma where in the wake of the recent cyclone the Burmese army is preventing food from reaching minority ethnic groups in the effected area. We decided to give our savings to Partners, an organisation that is helping get food to these people. You can visit their website here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely awesome and inspiring guys. Our whole family has watched you video of Dumpster Diving and then sent it all over the place to other Partners people. You are also featured in the latest Partners magazine as being an inspiration to others in terms of creative fund raising!!! Drop us a line.... Stu, Ruth, Carrie, Ali and Caleb Corlett from Partners NZ working in Thailand with those you have given to!!! Forge on, this is a worthy fight dudes!!!